Our Success Story


2010 Company Established

Wholesale LED Lights established back in 2010.

Wholesale LED Lights is the trading name of Mirrorstone Lighting Ltd. The company is established in 2010.


2016 Winner! Family Business Of The Year

First recognition of our perseverance

Having served tens of thousands of happy customers, Wholesale LED Lights is hailed as the Family Business of the Year for 2016


2017 Finalist - Company Of The Year

Finalist in the 2017 Company of the Year Award

Wholesale LED Lights is one of four finalists in the Leicester Mercury Business Awards - Company of the Year category for 2017.


2017 Winner! Entrepreneur Of The Year

Amit Soni, becomes the Business Entrepreneur of the Year

Amit Soni, the company director, wins the coveted Business Entrepreneur of the Year Award at the Leicester Mercury Business Awards 2017


2017 Winner! Business Of The Year

Wholesale LED Lights becomes Business of the Year 2017

In an event taking place on June 14th 2017, Wholesale LED Lights is awarded the title of Business of the Year for 2017.


2017 One Of Top Supplier Of The Year

We were awarded a Special Commendation in the much coveted Supplier of the Year category

We’ve always been totally committed to providing our customers with the very highest quality energy-efficient products, and we’ve been recognised as one of the top suppliers in the whole of the UK


2018 Finalist! SME Business Of The Year

Wholesale LED Lights Finalist SME Business Of The Year

The event will take place on April 12th 2018.