Terms and Conditions for Refer a Friend

UPDATE (09/08/2018): Both the Loyalty Points and Refer A Friend schemes have now ended. Any bonuses earned from referrals or from loyalty points are now invalid and cannot be used. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Send customers to our website and we will give you 10% of the amount they spend for sales up to 3 months, excluding postage fees, which will be rewarded in the form of points (see section 2). Simply copy the unique link from your user account and mail it to your friends or share on your favourite social networking site and we will do the rest.

You will be notified by email every time you generate a sale. Our referral scheme is subject to terms and conditions, which you will find below. We recommend all customers familiarise themselves with these terms and conditions to ensure a completely satisfactory shopping experience.

1. Eligibility:

a) The Wholesale LED Lights (WLED) Refer a Friend Programme ("The Programme") is available to all existing WLED customers ("Referring Customers") and to all individuals ("Referred Customers") who click to www.wholesaleledlights.co.uk ("The Website) via the unique link ("Referral Link") or ticket code ("Referral Code") of the Programme sent by the Referring Customer, provided they meet all eligibility requirements.

b) To be eligible for the Programme, Referring Customers must:

- Be a WLED account holder;

- Be legally able to join such programmes in their country.

c) To be eligible for the Programme, Referred Customers must:

- Have never made a purchase with WLED via The Website, including Shiping & Handling only orders, with the exception of Referred Customers who use the WLED Business Services for the first time through the Programme.

d) Termination:

- WLED reserves the right to close the account of Referring and Referred Customers if these have been used to acquire points (Money) by fraud, or have used or attempted to use the acquried Money in a fashion that violates the terms of applicable laws.

- WLED reserves the right to terminate the Programme or change the terms at its own discretion, at any time.

- Unfortunately, trade customers are not eligible for our refer a friend scheme.

2. Points:

a) Points can be used as payment or part payment for WLED products and accessories on all standard accounts on The Website.

b) Points cannot be used as payment against shipping or taxes on The Website.

c) Points cannot be redeemed for cash and has no monetary value.

d) Points are awarded for each successful referral and converted into savings on purchases at the following Points to Money conversion rates:

- When using points to purchase or part purchase: 100 points = £0.01

e) Referring Customers will accrue 10% of the Referred Customers shopping cart value minus VAT and Shipping/Handling in points at the first exchange rate and will be able to use them to make purchases or part purchases at the second exchange rate.

- Referred Customers must make a purchase that is not subsequently cancelled on The Website directly after they enter through the Referring Customers unique Referral Link or using their Referral Code to set up an account.

- Referred Customers must be new customers to The Website and have not made any previous paid orders through The Website, unless they are using WLED Business Services for the first time.

f) Redeemed points are not refundable, exchangeable, replaceable, redeemable, or transferable for cash, credit or to other refer a friend accounts under any circumastances, unless permitted by these Terms and Conditions.

g) Points accrued in any Programme Account does not constitute property of the referring customer and is not transferable by operation of law or otherwise to any person or entity and cannot be transferred to any other Programme Account.

h) Points accrued in a Referring Customer's Programme account for any given day will be valid for 12 months from that date. If unredeemed after 12 months, points will expire and be deleted from the Referring Customer's account. However, this 12 month period will refresh if the Referring Customer makes a purchase within the first 12 months. If the Referring Customer neither redeems the points nor makes a subsequent purchase before the last day of the 12 month period, the points will be removed from the Referring Customers account.

i) Referring Customers enrolled in the Programme can accrue points based on the accrual rules stated in these terms and conditions, and any additional time limited points offers in subsequent communications for undertaking specific actions.

j) WLED has the right to change the methodology for accrual of points in the future, at any time, without prior notice.

k) Points can be used on the Website for products or services, but not for shipping and/or handling costs. If your points value is less than the value of the goods ordered, the difference is to be covered by payment with a credit or debit card.

l) Referring Customers will earn 10% of the shopping cart value excluding VAT of a Referred Customer for up to 3 months after the Referred Customer has made their first purchase.

m) If the Referred Customer purchases products over the phone, they must inform the telephone advisor at point of purchase that they are a Referred Customer and must have the e-mail address of the Referring Customer. It is not the duty of the telephone advisor to prompt for this information.

3. Programme Account:

a) If the User Account is not in good standing or is in dispute, the Referring Customer's Programme enrolment and the relevant use of Points may be suspended.

b) If The User cancels their Programme Account or has their Account cancelled, all Money accrued in the User’s Programme Account and not redeemed at the date of cancellation will be forfeited, unless otherwise agreed at the time of such cancellation.

4. General Programme:

a) Ιn sharing the Referral Link or Referral Code, The User accepts and agrees to these terms and conditions 

b) The personal recommendation message from Referring Customers containing the Referral Link or Referral Code can only be distributed to a natural person via personal forms of communication and not via legal entities.

c) If a User sends information to another person via e-mail or through social networks it must meet the general conventions for sending e-mails and messaging through said social networks to friends or family members. Mass messaging, messaging to strangers or any form of action which violates the law or serves commercial purposes, particularly in the form of "spam", is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate cancellation of the customer account of the Referring Customer and the Referral Link will be deactivated.

d) For the purpose of clause 4c Mass messaging includes but is not limited to:

- Any website with a URL that contains any or all of the following terms, or derivatives of the following terms: "code", "discount code", "voucher code", "promotional code", "voucher" or "coupon";

- Any website which appears in seach engine listings under any of the terms or derivatives of the following terms: “code”, “discount code”, “voucher code”, “promotional code”, “voucher” or “coupon”;

- Any website whose primary or main focus is to promote the use of voucher codes and/or referral links;

e) WLED reserves the right to terminate the Programme at any time. WLED also reserves the right to change Programme terms and conditions at any time including but not limited to conversion rates for points.

f) Fraud or abuse relating to the accrual of points in the Programme or conversion of points may result in forfeiture of accrued points as well as cancellation of a User's Programme Account and any WLED Customer Account.

g) WLED's failure to enforce a particular Term or Condition does not constitute a waiver of that Term or Condition by WLED.

h) All questions or disputes regarding eligibility for the Programme or the eligibility of points for accrual or conversion of points will be resolved by WLED in its sole discretion.

i) The Programme and any use of The Website are subject to the ‘terms and conditions’ of The Website and the privacy policy terms, as described on the Website