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10 Cutting-Edge Applications For LED Technology

Posted by Richard Clarke on 6th Aug 2013

Iphone Controlling LED Light Bulb

In terms of up-to-the-minute lighting, LEDs are definitely leading the way. But you may be interested to discover that lighting isn’t the only application in which versatile, long-lasting and energy-efficient LED technology plays an essential role.

So, In No Particular Order Of Importance Or Incredible-ness, At Number 1 We Have:

  • Digital Contact Lenses. Researchers collaborating with University of Washington ophthalmologists and optoelectronics researchers from Aalto University in Finland, have been working on contact lenses incorporating nano-LEDs that will one day augment the wearer’s vision with external data or use sensors to collect data about the wearer’s health. Whilst this application is still in its infancy, all the basic technologies needed are in place and we should see working ‘bionic eyes’ in the not-too-distant future.

The Number 2 Amazing Technological Application For LEDs Is:

  • Micro-LED Li-Fi. A group of researchers from the University of Strathclyde are currently developing a new, much faster alternative to Wi-Fi.  Known as Li-Fi, it will employ very tiny LED lights flickering many times faster than the eye can see to carry data, thus using visible light to transmit information. Unfortunately, being line-of-sight means that it will never fully replace Wi-Fi, however, it could be used to augment it, acting as an effective wireless network bridge.

And Number 3 In The List Is:

  • Digital LED Wallpaper. This is currently under development by Dutch innovators Philips, and it uses stunning colour-changing LED lighting technology to create a luminous textile. It’s set to revolutionise interior design, creating a warm glowing ambience that you’ll be able to control. The wall panels will also enable you to display messages and synchronise your light to the beat of your music, so watch this space. 

At Number 4, We Have:

  • Flexible Displays. Okay, strictly speaking, this isn't LED, but rather OLED (‘Organic Light Emitting Diode’) technology, but they're essentially the same thing. The possibilities for flexible displays are virtually endless. Imagine being able to roll up your TV like a carpet and carry it under your arm. Well, that may be possible quite soon, as it’s currently in production with South Korean electronics giant LG.

LED technology

The Number 5 Slot Goes To:

  • Interactive LED Floors. Like LED Wallpaper, interactive LED floors can be programmed to display various different colours and even light up in response to footsteps, so you’ll be able to emulate Michael Jackson’s performance in Billie Jean! 

And Coming Straight In At Number 6 Is:

  • Digital Camouflage.  LED technology was utilised by Mercedes Benz, to promote their range of zero-emission cars. The car achieved virtual invisibility using sheets of LEDs and a digital SLR camera mounted on its side. The car was then taken on a week-long tour of Germany, just to see what would happen!

Latest LED Technology

Coming In At Number 7, We Have:

  • Smart Phone-controlled LED Light Bulb. Innovative, forward-thinking company LightwaveRF has developed a Home Automation system that allows you to download an app which will enable you to control your LED lighting and all your other electrical devices from anywhere in the world. Using your smart phone or tablet.

And In At Number 8 Position, It’s:

  • Bio Medicine. In the US, The Beckman Institute’s 3-D Micro- and Nanosystems group, is now reporting on an implantable technology composed of inorganic LED semiconductors and photo-detectors that is flexible and bio-compatible Very soon, LED technology could be used inside the human body, as a super-effective delivery method for drugs and as on-the-spot health monitors which will instantly alert the user should anything begin to go wrong.

The Penultimate Number 9 Slot Is Taken By:

  • LED Grow Lights. Grow light technology isn't a particularly new development, however, LED grow lights allow farmers to cultivate their crops much less expensively. When compared to traditional grow lights, LEDs are far more affordable to run and generate much less waste in the form of carbon emissions. They are also more effective at creating the wavelengths of light necessary for photosynthesis, thereby increasing crop yields.

Examples Of Use Of LED Technology

Rounding Off The Countdown, The Number 10 LED Technological Innovation Is:

  • LED Virtual Motion Sky Ceilings. Walls, floors, what next? Ceilings of course! An incredible effect can now be achieved by replacing your existing ceiling panels with a series of luminous LED sky ceiling tiles. They’ll extend across the entire room, creating the effect of actual moving clouds, birds flying overhead, sunrise and sunset effects. This may have tremendously beneficial applications in hospitals and facilities in which patients are unable to go outside for protracted periods of time.

As you can see, LEDs are showing endless potential. They have an enormous role to play in making tomorrow's technologies a reality and in the process, making the world a better place.
