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LED Lights Are Hot Competition For Incandescent Bulbs!

Posted by Richard Clarke on 16th Oct 2013

Halogen vs LED

It's a well-known fact that LEDs generate a lot less heat than incandescent bulbs.

But how much less do they generate?

Well, LED lighting manufacturer Cree recently performed a test involving a 65W incandescent lamp, an equivalent 12W LED and a couple of chocolate bunnies.

They placed a chocolate bunny under each lamp, switched them on and waited to see which of the two bunnies melted first.

After about 90 minutes, the chocolate bunny under the incandescent had completely melted. This is because the incandescent bulb emits about 90% of its energy as heat, causing the air around the bulb to warm up considerably.

This is a particularly wasteful use of its resources, and is just one of the reasons the manufacture and sale of this type of bulb are due to cease with effect from the 1st of September 2018.

By contrast, the chocolate bunny beneath the LED bulb barely breaks a sweat. LEDs generate very little heat. Most of their energy is emitted as useful light, meaning that they’re 90% more energy-efficient than their traditional counterparts.

Along with their incredible energy and cash-saving potential, LED bulbs also have a much-extended life-expectancy in comparison to incandescent bulbs so, even though they didn’t melt the bunny on this occasion, over their 50,000 hour or 17 year lifespan, they’ll have a lot longer in which to do so.

Whilst this is admittedly a fun exercise, it does illustrate quite effectively the reason that LEDs are beginning to dominate the lighting market.

Check out the video below for time-lapse footage of the experiment. The LED appears on the left and the incandescent on the right.

If you’d like to chat about the energy-saving potential of LED lights, why not give one of our customer service agents a call on 0116 321 4120?

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