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Fact Or Fiction: LED Light Therapy

Posted by Emma Reid on 2nd Feb 2023

Have you seen those LED face masks on Instagram? We’re taking a look at what all the fuss is about. Like something out of slightly dodgy 90s cartoon, these odd-looking face masks are everywhere on social media at the moment. They get prescribed as a cure for all manner of skin complaints. But do they work? The Facts LED light therapy has been used by professional dermatologi …
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3 Reasons To Use Solar Powered LED Floodlights

Posted by Emma Reid on 16th Dec 2022

Floodlights are a great way to power your home, but are solar powered models truly viable? Floodlights are the best way to keep the outside of your home well lit, acting as a deterrent to intruders and a helpful guide to navigate at night. However, their high-power requirements mean they can be cripplingly expensive to run, leaving your home unprotected. Solar powered lights are a great …
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Nottingham To Replace 34,300 Streetlights With LEDS

Posted by Emma Reid on 25th Nov 2022

LEDs are a key part of redeveloping cities to be greener and safer! Here’s what Nottingham city council are doing… Nottingham City Council managed to secure £7 million from the Government’s Levelling Up fund to replace their tired old halogen street lights with modern LEDs. This may seem like a strange thing to focus on upgrading, but there are absolutely loads of benefits to ma …
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Understanding Vampire Appliances And How Much They Cost You

Posted by Emma Reid on 18th Nov 2022

This week, we’re taking a look at vampires! No not the horror movie monsters, we’re looking at smart appliances, and how they can still consume power when you’re not using them. Simply put, a Vampire Appliance is a device that continues to use power even when you’re not actively using them. With the current energy crisis, smart appliances and smart bulbs in particular are get …
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