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GPS ‘Dorothy’ Shoes Use LED Lights To Guide Wearer Home

Posted by Amit Soni on 5th Apr 2013

When Dorothy wanted to return home in L. Frank Baum’s famous children’s novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, all she had to do was click her heels 3 times, and wished to go home. Instantly, she was back in Kansas.Whilst this remains the stuff of fairytales, British designer Dominic Wilcox has brought us as close as we’ll probably get to Dorothy’s magical silver shoes.Branded the “No Place Like Home G …
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Easter Opening Times

Posted by Richard Clarke on 28th Mar 2013

We have both good and bad news today. The good news is that the 4-day Easter weekend is upon us (yay!). That means no work until Tuesday (unless you're unfortunate enough to have to work bank holidays).The bad news is that we will be closed.Customers will still be able to place their orders through the website as normal, but, any orders received after 4pm Thursday 28th March will not be shipped un …
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La Lumière Au Chocolat Is A Visual Feast

Posted by Amit Soni on 27th Mar 2013

I think it’s safe to say that when we flick a light switch, we expect instant light. That’s how it’s been since the beginning of the electric light...right?Swedish product designer Alexander Lervik has other tasty plans that turn this idea on its head – an incandescent lamp that is completely dark when you switch it on.Why is it dark when you switch it on? Because it is surrounded by a cut-off pyr …
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LED Lights Infographic From SMACK Is A Hit

Posted by Richard Clarke on 25th Mar 2013

We recently discovered this rather impressive infographic on, and thought it was good enough to share on our own blog.According to the guys who created it, SMACK, the infographic is “designed to raise awareness of the benefits of LED light bulbs over incandescent.”Divided into three parts, the infographic illustrates the benefits of an LED light bulb in a succinct and easily digestible f …
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