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Dimmable LEDs - Myths And Misconceptions Illuminated

Posted by Richard Clarke on 22nd Sep 2011

Every time a new type of technology is introduced, misconceptions inevitably build around it, especially if it’s a vast improvement upon the technology it’s replacing.This is exactly what occurred several years ago with the inauguration of dimmable LED lights.Don’t Believe The MythPeople were labouring under the misapprehension that it’s impossible to dim LED lights, however, they couldn’t have be …
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Let Loose And Go Crazy With LED Throwies!

Posted by Amit Soni on 21st Sep 2011

LED lights allow you to be creative, thanks to things like RGB spotlights and LED strip lights. For this reason, along with all the other benefits, 66% of Americans have purchased LEDs for their homes – that’s 2 times the number compared to 2 years ago.Things just took an unexpected but potentially popular turn though – how do you feel about LED lights that you can throw?LED throwies aren’t what y …
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The Time Is Right For LED Light!

Posted by Richard Clarke on 20th Sep 2011

We’ve been living with what we considered to be ‘energy-efficient’ lighting for a number of years now.CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lights) became extremely popular when the first successful design was marketed by Chinese firm, Shanghai Xiangshan in 1995, and they were hailed as ‘the next big thing’ as far as energy-saving light bulbs were concerned.An Ill-Conceived PlanIndeed, by June 2009, power com …
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LED Lights - A Brief History With Massive Potential

Posted by Amit Soni on 19th Sep 2011

The Daily Mail Online recently undertook a special report on the world's oldest bulb, which reached its 110th year of operational life on June 18th 2011.What makes this story particularly noteworthy is that incandescent light bulbs like the one that’s lit Livermore Fire Station #6 in California since 1901, normally have a life-expectancy of around 1000 hours. Thus, the phrase “They don’t make ‘em …
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