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A Bright Birthday Present For NASCAR’s Oldest Circuit!

Posted by Navdip Gahir on 16th Oct 2017

As the oldest track in NASCAR turned 70, fans and drivers alike were treated to a completely new LED lighting system for the first time in September 2017!

Image taken by Mike Paris, courtesy of Image taken by Mike Paris, courtesy of

The Martinsville Speedway in Ridgeway, Virginia flicked the switch on its new lights for the first time, shedding a whole new light on the sport, being the first permanent LED installation at any track on the NASCAR calendar.

For Martinsville though, it will open up a whole new world of night-time racing, given that the oval, nicknamed “The Paperclip”, had no floodlights installed before!

The new $5m setup will save hundreds of thousands in bills although, as is the case for most sports venues, the LEDs have been fitted with quality in mind rather than savings.


Keith Guzy from Graybar, the company that designed, supplied and installed the LEDs said “Fan experience is going to be top notch, and the other thing is the 4K broadcasting ability. We think the overall fan experience and being able to do the 4K broadcasting is going to be second-to-none.”

The race started at 9:15pm ET, giving fans the chance to see the cars under the lights for the first time. Ultimately, car number 12 belonging to Timothy Peters was the victor, taking 1st place by 1.075 seconds.

Although the following races are scheduled for day time, fans and race sponsors needn’t worry about delays thanks to the new installation. All they need to do is flick the switch, and enjoy the LED lights!