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Let Loose And Go Crazy With LED Throwies!

Posted by Amit Soni on 21st Sep 2011

LED lights allow you to be creative, thanks to things like RGB spotlights and LED strip lights. For this reason, along with all the other benefits, 66% of Americans have purchased LEDs for their homes – that’s 2 times the number compared to 2 years ago.

Things just took an unexpected but potentially popular turn though – how do you feel about LED lights that you can throw?

LED throwies aren’t what you would call conventional, but then this isn’t the first time that LEDs have gone above and beyond their intended purpose.

This is different though, as they won’t just be lighting up your homes – they’ll be soaring through the air and according to, “are an inexpensive way to add colour to any ferromagnetic surface in your neighbourhood.”

They’re simple too, and can be constructed using everyday household materials. You just need a lithium battery, a rare-earth magnet and 10mm diffused LEDs all taped together. The actual idea was developed by the Graffiti Research Lab – a division of Eyebeam R & D Open Lab.

What this means is that when they’re thrown against any metal surface, the throwies will stay in place and create a vivid and colourful light display.

Take a look at the video below to see how they look in action!

They’ve given birth to a new craze known as electro-graffiti which has taken America by storm. They also make great substitutes for glow sticks when out clubbing!

You’d think that throwing LEDs would be a great way of venting some frustration and aggression – we prefer to think of it as playful. Kids will absolutely love them and let’s face it – adults who are still young at heart would really enjoy them too.

What are you waiting for then? They’re easy to make, cheap and fun – get creative with your LED throwies! Let us know if you have a go with them and send us your best efforts!
