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Beat Those Winter Blues With Cool White LED Lights!

Posted by Richard Clarke on 13th Dec 2011

Windshield SmileyUnfortunately, according to mental health charity, MIND, at least 10% of UK citizens are known to struggle with what’s known as “the winter blues”. The term is actually a euphemism for the medical condition SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), a form of seasonal depression that’s directly linked to the shortening of daylight hours during the winter months.

A deficiency of natural sunlight triggers a biochemical imbalance in the pineal gland, resulting in symptoms such as a low mood, sleeping difficulties, tiredness and anxiety.

One of the most effective treatments for SAD is a form of bright LED light-therapy, that’s also called “photo” or “helio-therapy”. Symptoms are alleviated by periodic exposure to high intensity white light, which helps correct the body’s chemical imbalance by stimulating melatonin levels in the brain.

This type of treatment, which essentially involves sitting or standing near to a bright artificial light in the form of a light box for at least 30 minutes a day, is becoming an increasingly recognised, non-pharmacological way to treat the condition.

SADA, the SAD charity, recently released figures which suggest that 85% of light box users who have been medically diagnosed with SAD, reported a successful upswing in their overall mood, and a significant lessening of their related symptoms.

A large number of light boxes are now being classified as medical devices, which is good news, since it means they have to undergo stringent safety tests, while their clinical efficacy is assessed and continually monitored.

They’re manufactured using white LEDs (Light-Emitting Diodes), which are many times brighter than conventional domestic lighting and contain virtually none of the harmful UV rays found in sunlight.

These great features aren’t confined to light boxes, however. LED light bulbs that are used for everyday domestic and commercial applications are also much healthier than both of the more traditional incandescent and fluorescent types.

Unlike the CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) they’re rapidly replacing, general use LED Bulbs don’t emit any of the potentially dangerous UV rays that are known to cause certain categories of skin cancer, known as Melanomas, while the light they do emit can have beneficial health effects that are similar to those of the light box.

Therefore, if you’re in any way prone to feelings of lethargy during the winter months, it may very well be worth your while to try installing some cool white LED lights in your home, thereby achieving some of your own personal light therapy.

Every single one of our LED bulbs is available in a cool white option, having a rating which is between 6,000 and 7,000 Kelvin (K), whereas standard incandescent bulbs are incapable of producing cool colours, so you’ll find they’re available only in warm white, with a 3000K rating.

But, what is it about the cool white colour temperature that makes these LED bulbs so therapeutic when it comes to SAD? The light produced by cool white LEDs bears a very much closer approximation of natural sunlight than warm white incandescent bulbs. It’s sharp, well defined, and makes colours and interior decor appear more vibrant.

Scientific studies have also shown that it’s excellent for aiding concentration and stimulating the mind. By installing a couple of cool white LED bulbs in your bedroom and bathroom, the vibrant light will assist your wake-up regime and help your Circadian Rhythm adjust to those darkening days.

In addition to this, the incredible longevity and low power consumption of all types of LED bulb will mean that your household lighting will be operating at a fraction of the cost, thereby saving you a considerable amount of money, which is always uplifting!

So why not replace some of your tired old traditional incandescent bulbs with some state-of-the-art Cool White LEDs today, and let us know how they make you feel?

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You can also get more information about the benefits of LED lighting, from a member of our customer service team on 0116 321 4120, or by sending an e-mail enquiry to
