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Incredible LED Light Sculptures Cast No Shadows

Posted by Amit Soni on 6th May 2012

Incredible LED Light Sculptures Cast No ShadowsAn artist, working exclusively in light, has used thousands of LEDs to create fabulous glowing, life-size representations of humans and animals.

No Shadow which is a new series by critically acclaimed Japanese artist and designer Makoto Tojiki, explores the themes of light, shadow, memory and perception, as well as providing a brilliant showcase for energy-efficient LED lights in art.

No Shadow

Amongst their dark surroundings, Tojiki’s sculptures playfully defy scrutiny as they continuously shift appearance, depending upon the relative position of object and observer.

When viewed from afar, the lights give the illusion of a completely solid form, but upon closer inspection they lose substance, turning into shimmering curtains of light. When the main lights are switched on, the sculptures disappear, leaving nothing but a translucent outline of what was once there.

Tojiki begins his creative process by choosing an animal and studying its shadow. He then constructs the three dimensional sculptures from fine, vertical strands of LED lights. The name of the exhibit works as a play on words and upon perception, referring to the fact that the sculptures are designed in such a way as to literally cast no shadow.

Perhaps the standout piece of the exhibit is a sculpture of a galloping horse that, through the use of orange and red LED lights, conveys a sense of energy and movement. Other pieces include the glowing form of an upright man and a caged bird, both of which glow with a bright, slightly haunting blue light.

Through his work, Tojiki attempts to comprehend and represent the way that memory influences perception.

“An object is seen when our eyes capture light that is reflected from the object. If we extract just the light that is reflected from ‘something,’ are we still in the presence of that ‘something?’ Using contours of light, I try to express this ‘something,” says Tojiki.

Tojiki first began experimenting with light while employed as a design engineer. However, upon finding himself restricted, he decided to forge a career as an innovative and successful artist. While he has experimented with many different types of illumination, LED lights have proven to be the most effective, offering unrivaled freedom and versatility.

Tojiki’s work is world-renowned, and has even featured in window displays for high-end fashion line Hermes. The artist also has his own candy-colour jewellery franchise called Reff.

To see more pictures from the “No Shadow” exhibit or to learn more about Tojiki’s work in general, visit his official website,

And, to find out more about LED lighting in general, have a browse on the Wholesale LED Lights website.

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