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Make LED Lighting One Of Your New Year’s Resolutions

Posted by Richard Clarke on 3rd Jan 2012

Ner Year's Resolutions List

A 19th century essayist named Charles Lamb once said “New year’s day is every man’s birthday.” While this statement will mean different things to different people, our interpretation is that the New Year is a chance for every person to begin anew.

So once the champagne has stopped flowing, and the sound of the fireworks has died away, it’s time to begin planning for the New Year ahead. It’s the perfect time to step back and reflect on the person that we’ve been for the past 365 days – it’s time to make a resolution.

Although no-one is entirely sure of when the practice of making resolutions first began, we’re all more than familiar with how difficult keeping resolutions can be. We make plenty of promises every January, but we break our fair share too.

Most resolutions falter within the first few weeks of the New Year. About 20% of people will discard their resolutions and go back to their old ways within a month. By the middle of the year, this figure rises to a staggering 50% of people.

The problem is that making a resolution is misleadingly simple. Making one is simple, but seeing it through is a serious test of character.

But what about those resolutions that save you money and reduce your carbon footprint in one? This is something you can do in abundance by switching over to LEDs for the New Year.

Nowadays you don’t even need to worry about the upfront cost of the bulb itself, as LEDs are as affordable as ever. Plus, our discount and promotional codes that we run throughout the year give you the chance to save up to 20% off selected items too.

That’s before we get to the savings you make after flicking the switch on.

LED lights use far less electricity than traditional incandescent or halogen bulbs – up to 90% less electricity. They’re able to do this as they’re so efficient with their energy.

When you switch an LED light on, it only loses around 10% of its energy to heat wastage. An equivalent halogen bulb would lose up to 80% though. Whichever way you look at it, that’s poor efficiency.

The result of this is that your electricity bills come for far less with LEDs, but that’s not the only impact this has.

Less electricity means a reduced carbon footprint, and considerably fewer fossil fuels burned in the process.

To give you an idea of how environmentally friendly LEDs are, if every household in the UK replaced just one of their halogens for an LED, the resulting cut in carbon emissions would be equivalent to taking 176,210 cars off the road.

Planting 447,000,000 per year would yield the same net benefit – now imagine what would happen if every household replaced every bulb for an LED?

You’ll also save money in the longer term too. Maintenance costs are also cut too. Less heat passing through the insides of the bulb ensures less wear and tear, and therefore longer life.

Most of our LEDs will last up to 50,000 hours – that’s 2 times longer than compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) and 20 times longer than old incandescent bulbs!

Setting a timescale for all of this couldn’t be easier too. If you make your purchases before 4pm and choose our 1st Class Recorded Delivery service, you’ll have them by tomorrow morning and can install them yourself the very same day.

By doing this, you’ll be able to watch your energy bills drop, your carbon footprint reduce, and consider your New Year’s resolution fulfilled!

Make the New Year a brighter year than ever, at a fraction of the cost by switching to energy efficient LED lights today!

Give us a call on 0116 321 4120, or email us at Keep up to date too, by liking us on Facebook, and following us on Twitter @WLEDLightsUK and using the hashtag #WLEDAware.
