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Roomba Robots Used to Create Modern Art Masterpieces

Posted by Amit Soni on 23rd Jul 2013


Get an eye-full of these crazy light paintings.

The coloured lines in these images are actually the light trails left behind by Roombas fitted with coloured LED lights.


The craze appears to have started with a group of German photographers at the Braunschweig University of Technology who, thanks to a stroke of genius, or just out of boredom (who knows!), decided to attach coloured LED lights to several Roomba robots and leave them to roam around a dark room for the duration of a long-exposure photo.


Over time the light paintings have exploded in popularity with Roomba robot owners creating their own versions.

Depending on the Roomba's movements, the pattern of light can appear very erratic and disorganised, like a Jackson Pollock painting, while in other cases they are a lot more uniform and geometric, similar to a spyrograph. Either way, they're pretty cool.


One Flickr-user, known as reconscious, uses accelerometer-driven LEDs that change colour based on the robot's movement.

The IBR group has also use partitions to control the movement of the robots and create areas that they can't enter into, allowing them to make messages out of the voids.


There's actually an entire flickr group dedicated to Roomba light paintings. Check it out here

Who ever knew Roombas had such hidden talent. What are your thoughts on these light paintings? Drop us a comment below.

Source: IBR Algorithm Group via DesignBoom
