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7 Super LED Lighting Accessories For Nightime Cycle Safety

Posted by Amit Soni on 31st Jul 2013

As a cyclist, staying safe around busy roads just has to be your number one priority, and even more so when it’s dark.Here are the Super-Seven LED lighting accessories that will keep you safe when you’re cycling at night.1. RevolightsRevolights are a fresh, new innovation in bike lighting that will ensure maximum safety. The two fluid arcs of light are formed by LEDs that are programmed to detect …
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LED Lights Infographic From SMACK Is A Hit

Posted by Richard Clarke on 25th Mar 2013

We recently discovered this rather impressive infographic on, and thought it was good enough to share on our own blog.According to the guys who created it, SMACK, the infographic is “designed to raise awareness of the benefits of LED light bulbs over incandescent.”Divided into three parts, the infographic illustrates the benefits of an LED light bulb in a succinct and easily digestible f …
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11 Great Reasons To Switch To LED Lighting

Posted by Richard Clarke on 20th Mar 2013

When it comes to compiling a list of compelling reasons to switch from your existing light sources to LED lighting, ten just aren’t enough, which is why there are eleven in this one! 1. LED Light Bulbs Last Much Longer Without a filament to break or burn out, and with a far superior heat dissipation system involving a heat sink, an LED Light Bulb can have a life-expectancy that …
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How Your Business Can Save Money Using LED Lighting

Posted by Amit Soni on 3rd Dec 2012

Minimising costs and saving money is an integral part of any business. This applies across the board, from office supplies to bills.For a manager or supervisor, lighting is a massive part of this. With this in mind, the benefits of LED lighting will definitely be of interest to you.There are 2 main factors to consider when it comes to lighting a workplace – cost, and quality.CostIn the past, light …
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