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Understanding Vampire Appliances And How Much They Cost You

Posted by Emma Reid on 18th Nov 2022

This week, we’re taking a look at vampires! No not the horror movie monsters, we’re looking at smart appliances, and how they can still consume power when you’re not using them. Simply put, a Vampire Appliance is a device that continues to use power even when you’re not actively using them. With the current energy crisis, smart appliances and smart bulbs in particular are get …
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What Is A Lux?

Posted by Emma Reid on 15th Jun 2022

You might be clear on the difference between watts and lumens, but what’s a lux? Understanding this measurement could be key to getting the lighting effects you need for your property.A Quick Reminder A watt is how much power a light uses. A lumen is the total light output of a light source.Watts no longer accurately reflect how bright a light is, because LEDs are simply so efficient. Always che …
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LEDs & Heat: What You Need To Know

Posted by Emma Reid on 14th Dec 2021

LEDs are said to generate a lot less heat when compared to other kinds of light. Is this true? We’re taking a look at everything you need to know about LEDs and heat! Firstly, it’s important to understand that LED bulbs will always produce some heat. This is just a natural result of any electrical device using power. That’s why plug sockets get warm! The idea that LEDs genera …
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IP Ratings Explained

Posted by Navdip Gahir on 10th Nov 2017

Many of our fittings, and indeed many electrical goods you can buy elsewhere, come with what’s known as IP Ratings – which are commonly interpreted as how waterproof an object is. While this is true, it only tells half the story. You see IP Ratings also tell you how well something protects against foreign bodies or objects. The secret is hidden inside of the two numbered digi …
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