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5 Reasons Why Your LED Light Bulbs Are Burning Out

Posted by Emma Reid on 7th Dec 2021

One of the biggest selling points of LED bulbs is their massive lifespans, but what should you do if you find yours are burning out before their time? LED bulbs are expected to last from anywhere between 15,000 to 50,000 hours in ideal circumstances, which makes them amazing value for money. However, there are a few situations that can prevent your LED bulbs from reaching that maxi …
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What Is Wash Lighting?

Posted by Emma Reid on 23rd Nov 2021

Wash Lighting is a unique lighting effect that’s perfect for creating a lovely ambience in your home. We’re taking a look at this incredible method of taking your home’s lighting style up a notch. A “wash” is a general fill of light and colour spread evenly across your wall. It’s typically created by mounting lights in such a way that a beam of light falls on the wall at a wide ang …
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The WLED 2019 Summer Style Guide

Posted by Nikita Murva on 4th Jul 2019

With June 21 marking the First Day of Summer, we are happy that the Sun is (hopefully) here to stay, ice-cream vans are singing away and we can swap jackets for sunglasses.British Summer’s do not last long, so we need to jump on the lighting trends as soon as possible and enjoy it whilst it lasts!With more time spent in the garden with paddling pools, BBQs and more fun under the Sun afoot, we have …
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The WLED 2019 Spring Style Guide

Posted by Nikita Murva on 8th Apr 2019

Spring is officially here and that means Spring Cleaning, April Showers and a home décor revamp! Gone are the Winter Blues, fluffy furniture and Christmas reds. How can you turn your home from Winter Wonderland to Spring Spectacular with on-trend illumination? Keep reading… With our feet firmly into Spring, it is time to make a few minor changes to your home and stay on-trend. Without …
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