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Make A Small Room Look Large With LED Lights

Posted by Richard Clarke on 7th May 2012

There are lots of things you can do to create the illusion of space in a small room – mirrors, light coloured walls and small, uniform furniture are all favoured techniques for making a room look bigger. Well planned lighting can also play a massive part. A good place to start would be your room’s natural light. During the day your windows are a free source of sunlight. As this is s …
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Save Energy This Halloween With Amazing LED Lights!

Posted by Amit Soni on 31st Oct 2011

Autumn is fast approaching, and with it comes Halloween. Don’t be scared by the modern technology that is LED lighting – embrace it with its massive advantages.Have you ever heard of ‘phantom load’ or ‘vampire power’? These scary terms refer to the energy that is wasted by appliances being left on standby mode. Sometimes it’s because of a digital clock, sometimes it’s down to them still being conn …
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