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Find Us On Facebook!

Posted by Richard Clarke on 25th Aug 2011

Have you found us on Facebook yet?If you haven’t already, you really should!It Only Takes A MinuteWhy not take a minute to like our Wholesale LED Lights Facebook page?  You definitely won’t be disappointed with what you find there!From LED Lighting-related news and incredible Special Offers, to up-to-the-minute information about our brand new products, you’ll find everything you need to keep you i …
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Technical Difficulties...

Posted by Amit Soni on 24th Aug 2011

Dear Customer,If you’ve been trying to contact us, you may be aware that our head office and dispatch centre have been experiencing some technical problems, making them unavailable.Well, you’ll be very happy to hear that these issues have now been completely rectified and normal services have been resumed.This situation will not affect or delay any orders you may have made, and dispatch will proce …
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SMD Spotlights vs. LED - What Is The Difference?

Posted by Richard Clarke on 23rd Aug 2011

Since LED lights burst onto the market a few years ago, they’ve undergone some evolutionary changes that have improved varying aspects of their performance. One of the most significant steps has been the emergence of SMD technology – short for Surface Mounted Device. There are a number of reasons for its importance – and we’re going to look at some of those now. Increase In Energ …
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Wholesale LED Lights - Our Ambition

Posted by Amit Soni on 22nd Aug 2011

Here at Wholesale LED Lights, it’s our aim to provide you with the best quality and most affordable alternative lighting solutions, with many years experience providing high quality products and a high standard of customer service.We’re here to ensure that the transition from your existing, wasteful light sources to energy-efficient LED lighting is as hassle-free and painless as it can possibly be …
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