Incredible LED Lighting Is Perfect For Your Garden!
Posted by Richard Clarke on 23rd Jul 2014
It’s summertime, and our thoughts invariably turn to long, lazy afternoons spent in the sun, followed by balmy evenings sipping wine around the barbeque.Whether you have a diminutive back yard or an enormous garden, choosing the right type of outdoor lighting is really important, so it’s always good to know your options.LED (Light-emitting diode) Lights really are the only option to choose, if you
LED Under-Cabinet Lighting – A Product Guide
Posted by Amit Soni on 23rd Jul 2014
To all keen DIY-ers out there - if you're searching for a new project, but you’re not sure about which to choose, why not consider installing some great looking under-cabinet lighting in your kitchen?
If you already have under-cabinet lighting, this could mean switching out your old halogen or fluorescent lights, in favour of some energy-efficient, long-lasting LED lights.
Below you
Iceberg Hits Montreal With Stunning LED Light
Posted by Amit Soni on 21st May 2014
If you were to hear that an iceberg had hit Montreal, you probably wouldn’t believe it as the city is situated 216 metres above sea level.However, an interactive, architectural, light and sound installation has in fact hit the largest city in the Canadian province of Quebec, and it’s been going down a storm with locals and tourists alike.Iceberg by Québécois creative design company ATOMIC3, consis
Easter Opening Times
Posted by Richard Clarke on 28th Mar 2013
We have both good and bad news today. The good news is that the 4-day Easter weekend is upon us (yay!). That means no work until Tuesday (unless you're unfortunate enough to have to work bank holidays).The bad news is that we will be closed.Customers will still be able to place their orders through the website as normal, but, any orders received after 4pm Thursday 28th March will not be shipped un