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Incredible LED Light Installation Taps Into Your Conscience

Posted by Richard Clarke on 22nd May 2013

Light DropA quirky and imaginative LED light installation, designed to make people think long and hard about wasting natural resources such as water, Light Drop really taps into the conscience.

The installation by Brazilian artist Rafael Morgan, reminds us of the finite nature of water and features a series of elongated light bulbs that appear to leak from wall-mounted faucets.

Light Drop by Brazilian artist Rafael Morgan

The custom-molded polycarbonate drops are presented in various lengths and are illuminated by embedded dimmable LED bulbs. The LED lights can be made brighter or dimmer simply by turning the corresponding taps - the more they’re turned, the more brilliant the light they emit.

Whilst its design is playful and fun, Morgan's installation actually contains a very serious message about energy conservation.

According to the artist, “The Light Drop is supposed to make people think about how we are dealing with our natural resources, in this particular case, the water, which is the main source of energy for every living organism in this fantastic world. Water is energy indeed.”

The Light Drop

These lights would certainly make a quirky addition to any home and, if Rafael Morgan’s message has tapped into your need to conserve energy, you’ll be very interested to learn that LED lights and bulbs are up to 90% more energy-efficient than their more traditional counterparts.

They’ll produce the same number of lumens of brightness as a traditional bulb, but will only require a fraction of the energy to run them.

This means that they’ll not only significantly reduce your carbon footprint and be better for the environment, they’ll also use just 10% of the electricity, thereby costing you a whole lot less.

Not only that, but they have a vastly increased life-expectancy in comparison with both incandescent and fluorescent lights. Indeed, with a 50,000 hour expected lifespan, LEDs will need to be replaced just once every seventeen years, as opposed to an incandescent bulb which will last less than 12 months.

Obviously, the reason Rafael Morgan chose LEDs for this conscience-jogging installation is that he wanted a lot of people to see it over the years, but he didn’t wish to spend much on its upkeep!
