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The UK's First LED Lighting Market Survey Report

Posted by Richard Clarke on 19th Oct 2016

SurveyWholesale LED Lights, one of the country’s leading LED lighting companies, recently went where no-one has gone before and undertook an in-depth survey of its customers and their orders.

Between the 15th of April and the 15th of September 2016, we collected and collated data from 2,824 respondents and from 8,200 customer orders, to produce a report with wide-ranging and far-reaching implications for the UK lighting market as a whole.

We gathered the data in three main ways. The first took the form of an online survey, in which customers posted responses to questions we asked them on our website.

Secondly, people calling us on the phone were invited to indicate their light-buying preferences at the end of the conversation.

Lastly, customers who came into our showroom were asked to indicate their preferences and provide information about their buying habits.

As you’ll see, the survey’s results were fascinating, and now the document’s available for you to read in its entirety.
