In 2021 we registered with reviews collections agency Since then we have received thousands of positive reviews: we have over 1,100! Our individual and trade customers reviewed Wholesale LED Lights products and services with a 4.5 out of 5 star “Excellent” rating, which is pretty darn impressive. Don't believe us? Just take a look at some of the stellar reviews we have been receiving.

Receiving feedback from our customers is important to us as a company. Not only does it help us to see when we're doing well, but it also helps us to see when we're not.

Fortunately we don't receive very much negative feedback, but when we do it helps us to make changes to our process and improve our service to our customers.

Why are our customer so happy?

Well, without asking them, we can hazard a few guesses as to why our customers are so happy. It might be because of some of the following:

Who wouldn't be happy with all that?

Remember, our customer service team is on hand to help 6 days a week. Give them a call on 0116 321 4120 or email