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Belgian Festival Discovers A Divine Use For LED Lights

Posted by Amit Soni on 8th Feb 2012

The organisers of an annual festival astounded attendees with a display of LED lights that was literally beyond belief.For one week every three years, the streets and buildings of the historic city of Ghent in Belgium become the backdrop for stunning and ingenious installations, remarkable performances and beautiful events, all based on light, as part of the Lichtfestival (Light Festival).An Incre …
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Energy-Efficient LED Lights – Illuminating The Workplace

Posted by Amit Soni on 2nd Feb 2012

Long-lasting, energy-efficient LED lighting is fantastic for use in your home, but don’t you think it’s about time your boss discovered the many benefits it can bring as well?There’s a good chance that your employers will already be investigating possible ways to economise their business and, given the fact that lighting accounts for such a large percentage of a business’s energy consumption, savi …
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Know The Voltage Of Your LED Light Bulbs

Posted by Richard Clarke on 1st Feb 2012

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that light bulbs generally operate at different voltages, but unless you’re able to distinguish between them, you might be in for a little shock! LED light bulbs are available in two primary voltages: Mains Voltage and Low Voltage. Mains Voltage LED Bulbs Here in the UK, the mains electricity supply is 230V AC (Alternating Current). This is us …
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London Residents Bid Au Revoir To The Traffic Light Tree

Posted by Amit Soni on 27th Jan 2012

It was the untiring ebb and flow of city life that French sculptor Pierre Vivant cited as his inspiration for creating the Westferry Traffic Light Tree in 1998. The faux-naturalistic set of blinking traffic signals was certainly one of London’s most unusual sculptures and, on occasion, even had a tendency to lead unwitting motorists astray. However, last month the hydra-esque …
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