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Why Installing Fire-Rated Downlights Is Important

Posted by Amit Soni on 5th Jan 2012

Recessed light fixtures or downlights are becoming an ever more popular feature of modern household lighting design. All the rage with homeowners, they’re both discrete and good looking simultaneously, perfectly complementing the décor of any room in which you might choose to install them.They represent a particularly versatile lighting solution that’s ideal for modern homes in which a suspended o …
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Make LED Lighting One Of Your New Year’s Resolutions

Posted by Richard Clarke on 3rd Jan 2012

A 19th century essayist named Charles Lamb once said “New year’s day is every man’s birthday.” While this statement will mean different things to different people, our interpretation is that the New Year is a chance for every person to begin anew.So once the champagne has stopped flowing, and the sound of the fireworks has died away, it’s time to begin planning for the New Year ahead. It’s the per …
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New York Rings In The Changes With Spectacular LED Lights

Posted by Amit Soni on 30th Dec 2011

2012 is set to be a big year for energy-saving technology. On the 1st of January, brand new energy and lighting standards will go into effect under the 2012 Energy Independence and Security Act in the US, replacing the old act of 2007.For many, the forthcoming year is already shaping up to be 'the end of the Edison era,' as more people than ever are expected to turn off their wasteful incandescent …
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How Can LED Lights Help To Reduce My Carbon Footprint?

Posted by Richard Clarke on 28th Dec 2011

People are always talking about reducing their carbon footprints, but how much do you really know about them and what they signify? If the answer is “Not a lot,” here are a few frequently-asked questions that should fill in a few of the blanks for you. What Is A Carbon Footprint? “Carbon Footprint” is an oft-used term that relates to human activities and their impact on the …
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